Here are something about me

My name is Debbie Mai (It's officially on my passport, but if you are trouble by my ethnicity, you can call me TZU-YU, MAI)

I am a UX designer with background as a sales/ BD manager with more than 5+ years of experience. I changed into design because I have been witnessed several business loss from design failure and miscommunication during the product development journey.

After 2 year working as UX designer, I am currently studying MSc in Human Computer Interaction Design in City, University of London to increase my professional credibility and enhance my ability to provide problem-solving techniques to adapt the AI challenges in the current technology.

When I am not in design, you can find me doing pole dance, having bubble tea and being a full-time dog mom.

I have some cool superpower coming from my past experience...

I know how to strategically present complicated design solution into short and sweet real-life example from my more than 1,000+ cold calling experience.  
I can turn tight deadline and unreasonable request into collaborative wins from my past sales forecast and budgetary discussion
I learned how to handle rejection and bounce back with unlimited pack of energy in proactively solving problems from my past sales negotiation and strategy meeting .
Learn More from My CV
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